E.A.S.E. (Energy Activated Systemic Excercise)

E.A.S.E. (Energy Activated Systemic Excercise)

Luke Fuller, touring osteo/physio on the ATP tour for the world’s best tennis players and Al Close, trainer/teacher to elite athletes and lifetime Zen meditator have joined up to present E.A.S.E. (Energy Activated Systemic Exercise), a program of Meditative Exercise Movement.

This program, devised and founded by Al, activates energy from the cells of us to our muscles and skeleton plus also the systems and organs that supports, all this while moving.

The duo of Al and Luke present this to you on over 10 videos, bringing expertise that is quite simply unparalleled anywhere in the world.

What better way to blend Eastern wisdoms with Western techniques. Here is the ultimate MindBody exercise program that can be completed by anyone and of any age. 

Further development programs will also be delivered as a live program - if this is of interest please email us on:  ease@mindbodbyxtra.com.au
